DK’s Favorite Foods: The Avocado

By Alexandra Caspero on December 3, 2013

What would I take with me if I was stranded on a desert island?

It’s a question I’ve been asked at a few interviews and sadly, some mundane dinner parties. While the question is silly and impractical, my answer is always the same:

1. BL
2. iPod filled with Jack’s Mannequin/Andrew McMahon
3. Avocados

You knew a food would be one of the responses, right?

The green-globe of nutrient goodness is hands down one of my favorite foods. Spread on toast, cubed into salads or scooped straight out of the skin, I cannot get enough of the creamy fruit!

When I declare my love for avocados with others, I usually get a few curious looks. There is a lot of misinformation out there, mostly how avocados aren’t a good pick because of their high-fat content. Well, I’m hear to set the record straight.

Yes, avocados contain fat but it’s the “good” kind of fat, essential monounsaturated fats for heart health. Good fats are those that can lower bad (LDL) cholesterol and are beneficial in moderation. Per 1 oz. 50 calorie serving, avocados provide 3 grams of monounsaturated fats and 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fats. They are also cholesterol and sodium free!

While I am happy eating nothing but avocados, I know not everyone feels the same way. When I first met BL he didn’t care for them, not even in guacamole. (Seriously, how do you not love guacamole!?) Over the years, he has slowly grown to enjoy them and now prefers a few slices of avocado instead of mayo or cheese on his sandwiches. Fine by me! A great alternative to other creamy foods, avocados provide the same mouthfeel with naturally good fats.

If you are only familiar with avocados in your sandwiches or in guac, I encourage you to try some other recipes that highlight the nutrient-dense fruit! My favorites are below, though I am especially partial to my mushroom avocado napoleons. Double-decker sandwiches that are elegant enough to serve at a shower or ladies lunch but simple enough to enjoy everyday!

What’s your favorite way to love a fresh avocado?


1. Avocado Wontons// 2. Avocado Mushroom Napoleons// 3. DK’s Guacamole// 4. Tomato, Avocado & Peach Salad

Meet Alex Caspero

Alex Caspero is a Registered Dietitian, New York Times Bestselling Chef, and mom of two. She aims to cut through the nutrition noise by providing real-life, nourishing tips for body and mind. Learn more about Alex.

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    1. Elle
      December 3, 2013 AT 9:40 pm

      I can completely relate to your love of avocados. Thank you for setting the record straight on how healthy avocados are (in moderation, of course).

      I am such a huge fan of them! They are so versatile. I really like making avocado salad in the summer: avocados, tomato, corn, cilantro, lime juice.

      I like to make guacamole and sometimes I use it as a substitute for butter/oil in baking recipes.

      I’ve even made dairy free “alfredo” sauce using avocados.

      1. DK
        December 4, 2013 AT 2:30 pm

        Oh that sounds delicious! I will have to give your alfredo sauce a try!

    2. Bronwen
      December 3, 2013 AT 4:28 am

      Very true, advocados are filled with loads of nutrients, we recommend them daily to our clients, see our site

    3. nutrition sportive
      December 3, 2013 AT 2:11 am

      the avocado mushroom napoleon looks yummy.
      Thanks you for the good ideas !
